IRC Doing Life Together



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Do you want your church to be a place of belonging? Do you want your church to be Irresistible?

An Irresistible Church is an authentic community built on the hope of Christ that compels people affected by disability to fully belong. Doing Life Together will equip your church to serve families affected by disability, not only on Sunday mornings, but as part of a true community.

Many churches have very active Disability Ministries. However, most of the ministry takes place on Sunday mornings. But what happens to families affected by disability between noon on Sunday and 9:00 AM the next Sunday? That period of time is when the “messiness” of life with a disability takes place. This booklet offers practical tools for churches and individuals to help meet practical needs, build community and remove some of the isolations that families affected by disability experience.

This booklet will also help you to better understand the unique ways disability affects each member of the family; parents, spouses, siblings and grandparents. Disability is definitely all about doing life together!

Free PDF, Kindle, and ePub versions are available.

Get 5 books for $19! A $40 value!

Weight .1689 lbs
Dimensions 6.5 × 4.5 × .25 in
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1 Book, 5 Books