A Spectacle of Glory

By |Published On: January 4, 2018|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and happy first week of January.

When I look ahead into the New Year, I know I’m going to face many trials and unexpected hardships. Yes, there will be lots of joy sprinkled in and wonderful moments of rest and reprieve; but overall, I’m keenly aware that Jesus told me that, in this world, I’m going to have trouble. And so, I am not to be surprised at whatever trials lay ahead in 2018. So, as I look to the coming weeks and months I keep singing that old hymn, “Day by Day.” The first line goes:

“Day by day and with each passing moment, strength I find to meet my trials here. Trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment, I have no cause for worry or for fear.”

And as you and I live day-by-day and through each passing moment, we need to remember that we are moving in two directions at the same time. That’s right. Every day, followers of Jesus move in two directions at the same time, and it’s best described in 2 Corinthians 4:16 where it says, “Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” Do you see the two directions? On one hand, our physical strength diminishes with every passing year. But as we daily walk with Christ, our spiritual strength increases every single day. And believe me, as we outwardly waste away, I want to help you stay renewed, day by day. It’s the very reason why I wrote my daily devotional book “A Spectacle of Glory.” As we physically ‘fade’ as days go by, I want to help fan the flames of your spirit so that your love and my love for Christ will burn brighter and brighter! Because we are in this thing called life together. Friend, we are mystically linked together in the body of Christ, and your victories can become mine, just as my victories are shared with you. Christian friend, I know full well I have a spiritual investment in how you are living as my brother or sister in Christ.

I thought about all this when I wrote “A Spectacle of Glory.” It’s a 365-day devotional that focuses on a theme from God’s Word — especially themes about handling hardships and living obediently when life is difficult. On each page I include a brief lesson to help you grow in the grace and knowledge of our Savior. Now, it’s not like me to talk a lot about the books I’ve written, honestly, but “A Spectacle of Gloryis different. It’s designed to help you grow in grace, day-by-day. I’ve received literally thousands of emails from readers who love using it, and last year in 2017, the Evangelical Christian Publishers Association honored “A Spectacle of Glory” as the Best Christian Devotional Book Award for 2017.

So, would you please join me day-by-day as we journey together using “A Spectacle of Glory as your daily devotional for 2018? Let’s renew our lives everyday with solid biblical guidance as we become ‘spectacles of God’s glory’ to everyone around us! And if you need help, just listen to the second verse of the hymn I opened with:

“Every day the Lord Himself is near me, with a special mercy for each hour; All my cares He fain would bear and cheer me, He whose name is Counsellor and Pow’r.”

So, friend, it’s not too late to journey with me day-by-day as together we go through “A Spectacle of Glory. Get all the details at joniandfriends.org/radio. Be inspired, be encouraged and be blessed. 

Music: “Day by Day” written by A. L. Skoog, Carolina Sandell; Public Domain.
© Joni and Friends

A Spectacle of Glory

God does not choose to display His glory through burning bushes; He chooses you! This inspiring, year-long devotional by Joni Eareckson Tada, focuses on your Heavenly Father, how He cares for you every day, and how His love enables you to live as a spectacle of His glory.

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