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26 Jul

Do You Believe?

By |2024-07-22T06:47:51-07:00July 26, 2024|Daily Devotional|

The panel of disability ministry specialists sat on the platform of the small auditorium. Two hundred students of Russia’s first college for training social workers were gathered there to hear the specialists talk about disability...

25 Jul

Unbearable Power

By |2024-01-25T12:43:17-08:00July 25, 2024|Daily Devotional|

God’s omnipotence scares me at times. Whether looking at the stars or sitting through a California earthquake, I am struck by the immense power at his disposal. I feel very small. And because he is so big and so strong, it...

24 Jul

Be Prepared

By |2024-01-25T12:36:10-08:00July 24, 2024|Daily Devotional|

When I was little, the neighbor kids down the street were my idols. I remember the time their parents asked my folks if I could go to the community pool with them. We piled into their station wagon, amid inner tubes...

23 Jul

A Quiet Time

By |2024-01-25T12:14:14-08:00July 23, 2024|Daily Devotional|

Keeping accounts is tempting. We want to remember all the details of how we’ve been wronged. And we certainly don’t want to forgive. But that becomes tricky when we realize we ourselves need forgiveness from God....

21 Jul

The Comet

By |2024-01-25T11:55:26-08:00July 21, 2024|Daily Devotional|

A few years ago when the Hyakutake Comet whizzed by earth, we drove to the edge of the Mojave Desert, found a little side road, and parked near the top of the Tehachapi Mountains. When I got out of the van and looked up...

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