Creating a Community of Care for Families with Special Needs

Daniel and Sarah have three children: Sam (13), Abby (11), and Ellie (3). When Ellie was born, she struggled with breathing and airway issues, as well as a spinal malformation. After many surgeries and several rounds of intense genetic testing, doctors concluded that Ellie has a rare genetic mutation, which can cause developmental delays. Ellie communicates through signing, sounds, and her communication device.
“Even without words, she can get what she wants just like any crafty three-year-old!” says Sarah.
Daniel and Sarah love the Lord and their local church, but it was very difficult to get to church due to Ellie’s condition.
“Ellie’s disability has impacted our involvement at church in different seasons of life. However, the church was never far, providing meals, grocery and medication runs, and making sure our big kids got to youth group activities. They were such a vital part of our support in those challenging days.” says Sarah.

Joni and Friends trained Ellie’s church family in how to support and care for people with disabilities.
“Ellie has a buddy for Children’s Church and a buddy for her Bible class. She loves going to church and being involved just like all the other kids. Her volunteer buddies are committed to helping her stay safe and supporting her with any challenges. This has allowed my big kids to go to their classes, and Daniel and I worship together, go to class, or teach and serve. It is a huge blessing!” explains Sarah.
After Joni and Friends provided such complete church training, Daniel and Sarah attended Family Retreat and knew that their family was in for a great week!
“Our big kids spent time with others their age and had the best time! They got to just be kids and enjoy themselves. They also observed and interacted with other families like ours, and it made them feel less alone.” says Sarah.

“Ellie’s buddy for the week was incredible, and they both had huge smiles all the time. She loved being with everyone. Daniel and I were able to listen, share, and be encouraged while spending time with other moms and dads. This experience gave us more confidence in our role in the special needs world and gave us more tools to communicate with each other. Our family especially enjoyed our daily worship. It was a beautiful hour of worshipping our Lord no matter the age or ability. It was a reminder of how wonderful heaven will be! Joni and Friends has been a huge source of information, connection, and encouragement!” says Sarah.
Daniel and Sarah’ story showcases the need for understanding and belonging. Through Family Retreat and our church training partnerships, we have the opportunity encourage special needs families and connect them with others who face similar challenges. This is a beautiful picture of our hope for all the families we serve—to reach families living with disability with Gospel hope, to extend practical help and care through our programs, and to connect families with a local church and give them a place of belonging.
“It has been a challenge to understand and accept all that has happened since Ellie’s been born. We struggle with worry and fear for her future. However, we know the Lord created her to be just the way she is, and that he graciously allowed us to be her parents—and Sam and Abby, her siblings. She lights up our world every day. We cannot imagine a day without her. We are all better because of her.” says Sarah.
Thank you for partnering with us as we seek to bring hope through hardship for families like Daniel and Sarah’s. We are so grateful for your faithful prayers and generous financial support.
Will you prayerfully consider how you can help us reach our goal to reach more people struggling with disabilities?
Thank you for bringing the help and hope of Jesus to families suffering under the strain of poverty and disability across the globe. God bless you and your family always!
“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”
Numbers 6:24-26

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