Joni and Friends Knoxville
We envision a world where every person with a disability finds hope, dignity and their place in the body of Christ.
Joni and Friends Knoxville is honored to serve East Tennessee, Kentucky, and the country of Guatemala.
410 S Northshore Drive
Knoxville, TN 37919
Contact Us
(865) 540-3860
[email protected]
We reach out to families living with disability with Gospel-adorned hope.
We extend Gospel-centered care through Community Support, Respite, Retreats & Getaways, and Crisis Response.
We connect families with Christ-honoring, disability friendly churches where they find a place of belonging.
Lauren Richardson
Area Director
Lauren is a Knoxville native and loves the people and communities of East Tennessee. She has a B.S. in Special Education and has served in many roles within the community, including various ministries and churches. She is enthusiastic about connecting people by nurturing relationships, serving with teams to address practical needs, and encouraging friendship and community. She has a strong desire to help East Tennessee become a more welcoming, inclusive place for people living with disability.