Changing the Heart of a Nation

By |Published On: March 4, 2020|Categories: Inspiration, Wheels For The World|

“To see lonely, empty people transformed slowly but surely into warm, loving, wholesome, and happy people is to become aware of why the apostle Paul describes Christ as ‘unsearchable riches.’”

Ray C. Steadman

My wife Joni and I have traveled to nearly 60 countries, most of them in developing parts of the world. We’ve seen poverty, hopelessness and the oppression that happens when people worship ancient idols. And it is always disabled people who suffer the most in those places. I saw it when I went to Thailand last year to serve on a Wheels for the World™ team.

When you have a disability in Thailand, you are seen as the lowest of the lowly. There’s a hollowness in your eyes. Family members seem bent over, weighted down by shame and social stigma.

But then, you see hope spring alive when our Wheels team (called “people of the Bible”) show love, hug, share compassion, give the gift of a wheelchair, and talk gladly about Jesus. Just look at Jackie’s smile in this photo. I had to put down my wrench and screwdriver and just love on him. He made me so happy!

People in a country like Thailand are steeped in false religion. For generations, they’ve been deceived by demonic worship. So, if the Christian message is going to “get through,” you must show Gospel-hope in a practical way. And what gift could be more precious than a wheelchair for someone who must crawl in the dirt, feeling despised and rejected?! Other religions rebuke people with disabilities; Jesus celebrates them!

This is why Joni and I are so thankful to God for you, your steadfast prayers and financial support. God is using you to pry the grip of Satan off peoples’ hearts. And one by one, as they come to know Jesus, you’re changing the heart of a nation! Praise God for you and Wheels for the World!


Written By: Ken Tada

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