Kids’ Corner Contest Winner: Ages 12 and Up

By |Published On: December 11, 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|

1st place ribbonKids’ Corner wants to thank all the kids who participated in our Kids’ Corner Contest. Although we enjoyed each story, the Kids’ Corner team chose 5 winners this year. Be sure to check back to see each one. Congratulations to Alyssa age 13. Read her story below about a time she helped someone and was surprised by how much she felt blessed through helping this person. 

“I sat and thought about the question ‘Who have I helped and felt blessed about it?’ It was a hard question to answer. Then I thought about my older sister, Taylor.

She is 14 years old. She is very special to me. I love her so much. I have lived with her my whole life. She is disabled. She has Cerebral Palsy. She can’t walk, and doesn’t have very good control of her arms. She can’t do many of the things that many people can do. Things like brushing her teeth, getting dressed, or even cleaning. CLEANING, something all of us hate to do, but she would love to be able to do. 

I help her with many things. Some of these include helping her on her laptop, eating, getting dressed, doing her hair, helping her drive her power chair through crowded places, and helping people understand her if they are having trouble doing so. I also help her with small things like putting a movie in, turning the radio on, putting her up to the table, getting her a drink and many other things. 

I feel very blessed to be able to help her. I am lucky to have the physical ability to help her. Many people are ignored and neglected because they have a disability. Taylor does not really get treated like that, but she has felt sad at times. I feel like my helping her helps her feel more loved. I am blessed to have a sister that loves me like she does. Taylor is very close to me, we have always been close. We are very close in age. Ever since we were little we have been best friends. We play together, we talk and she really loves it when I read to her. I actually feel blessed to have someone that looks up to me to help her with everyday things. I am really, truly, blessed to have a sister like mine. 

And if this wins I just want to say, I love you so much Taylor. You are an amazing sister, and I am so glad that you are my sister.”