Miracles in Fresno California!
When Cecelia called to register herself and Luis for Family Retreat, she was hesitant to say the least. Luis has autism, is non-verbal, has difficulty with crowds, a tendency for tantrums, extreme sensory sensitivity, and an unwillingness to leave his mom’s side.
Their lives are so complicated that Cecelia questioned if they should even come to Family Retreat.
Despite having never been on a family vacation, she wondered if it would be more trouble than it was worth. She wondered, “Would Luis even be able to participate fully in Retreat?”
Our Joni and Friends Fresno California team assured her with confidence that we would be prepared and willing to meet Luis where he was at and would grant their family all the support necessary to make Family Retreat a success. And on the very first night of Family Retreat, Luis had a wonderful surprise in store for everyone.
Luis stood with the other campers and attempted to perform the welcome dance by their side. Cecelia gazed in disbelief. Her son, who struggled so much in social situations, was standing in front of over 200 people and was performing a song and dance! Cecelia remembers with enthusiasm, “I can only describe it as miraculous!”
“The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!”
Psalm 126:3
Over the next few days of Family Retreat, Luis would continue to amaze his Joni and Friends volunteer buddy and his mother by participating in programs, enjoying Retreat activities such as boating, and even performing in the talent show!
At Family Retreat, Luis felt safe and comfortable being himself, and he blessed everyone who was there by sharing his God-given gifts! Family Retreat moved mountains in the lives of Luis and Cecelia. No wonder they were so excited to be part of Family Retreat at Home, too!
The impact of disability is a daily battle of incalculable emotions, immense isolation, and intense exhaustion – realities that have only been magnified by the COVID-19 pandemic. Families affected by disability need to hear the message of our impartial Savior, who not only wants families like Luis and Cecelia to know that he will provide all that they need in times of despair, but that they are valuable and desired members of the community of Christ.
Joni and Friends is offering many creative and new ways to reach special needs families; ways that open doors for the hope of Christ to touch families living with disability deeply. Cecelia loves our Mom’s support groups and Bible studies, and Luis benefits greatly from Fun Fridays (including a virtual talent show) and online storytimes. Our Fresno California team even held a Family Fun Drive Thru event that got families impacted by disability out of the house in a safe and socially distanced manner – some for the first time in many months!
Transformational events like these are happening every month at Joni and Friends Fresno California and all across the country!
Support Joni and Friends Central California
You can support our ministry initiatives happening through Joni and Friends Fresno California today so that even more special needs families can experience the miraculous power of Jesus!