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21 Jul

The Comet

By |2024-01-25T11:55:26-08:00July 21, 2024|Daily Devotional|

A few years ago when the Hyakutake Comet whizzed by earth, we drove to the edge of the Mojave Desert, found a little side road, and parked near the top of the Tehachapi Mountains. When I got out of the van and looked up...

20 Jul

God’s Hedge

By |2024-01-25T11:46:49-08:00July 20, 2024|Daily Devotional|

The four walls of a sickroom can be so confining, even if we’re only stuck there for a short time. Whether in the hospital or at home, we long to escape those suffocating walls. At such times we may be tempted to cry out...

19 Jul

A Victorious Peace

By |2024-01-25T11:36:32-08:00July 19, 2024|Daily Devotional|

Loss is a part of life, woven into its very fabric. Futures are altered. Dreams are ripped apart. Families can grow distant. Friends can slip away. I’m grateful my losses are redeemed by God. In my despair I have reached out to him...

18 Jul

The Father’s Answer

By |2024-01-25T11:28:03-08:00July 18, 2024|Daily Devotional|

Pain stirs the heart of a father like nothing else. My friend Jim knows all about this. He often has to leave his three little boys when he flies away on business. On a recent trip, as the family drove together to the airport...

17 Jul

A Deeper Dive

By |2024-01-25T11:19:26-08:00July 17, 2024|Daily Devotional|

When the weather turns warm, I think back to summertime days spent in the sand dunes near Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. The powerful waves’ deafening noise thrilled yet frightened me. But when I swam far out beyond the breakers...

16 Jul

A Slice of God

By |2024-01-25T11:04:32-08:00July 16, 2024|Daily Devotional|

Last week my pastor used an illustration that opened a small window on how “beyond us” God is. Let’s suppose you were a completely flat little water bug who lived only on the water’s surface. As such, you are aware of length...

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