Rock My Socks!
Most mornings, I don’t have to think hard about my footwear. Since my socks and shoes don’t get worn out from walking, they last for years! Yet today, I spent a little extra time getting dressed. It’s because I want to Rock my Socks!
Here at Joni and Friends, and even across the globe, people are “rocking their socks” to raise awareness for Down Syndrome. March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day, all to honor people who possess a triplication of their 21st chromosome. And the socks? Well, those are a colorful way to show that kids and adults with Down Syndrome add a special flare to the lives of everyone around them.
If you are rocking your socks today for Down Syndrome awareness, post a picture and tag Joni and Friends! And don’t forget to let your friends in on this fun way to celebrate people with that little extra something… yep, it can even be an extra chromosome!
–Joni Eareckson Tada
Parenting a Child with Down Syndrome into Adulthood
In celebration of Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Stephanie Hubach is sharing the joys and challenges of parenting a child with intellectual disabilities. Listen as she offers wisdom from her leadership experience in disability ministry as well as personal insight from raising two sons to adulthood, Freddy and Tim who has Down syndrome.