Tuesday, Oct. 26th Update from Joni

By |Published On: October 26, 2010|Categories: News|

Tuesday, October 26th Update from Joni:

Last week’s doctor’s visit was a cause for rejoicing — my oncologist smiled and confessed he’d thought for sure chemo would’ve hospitalized me by now. But it didn’t. And it hasn’t :-). I reminded him that God usually surprises us when we pray, and with only a couple more weeks to go of cleansing my system, we’ll soon be on to the next phase of treatment. He commended Ken and “the team who’ve done a great job” (that’s you, with all your prayers and encouragement :-).
In a way, all the struggles, pain and discomfort connected with this battle against cancer has opened my eyes to a tiny glimpse of what my Savior endured to purchase my redemption. When I see Him in heaven, I’ll be able to appreciate so much more the scars in His hands – and He will know that my gratitude is sincere and from the heart, for He will recognize me from the fellowship of sharing in His sufferings. What an honor! And what about those who say that redemption also purchased divine healing? Well, Jesus hung on the cross so that we wouldn’t have to suffer hell, but not so that we wouldn’t have to suffer here on earth – and those sufferings mean something. So hang in there, friend. If you’re feeling the weight of affliction, your suffering is giving you something eternally precious in common with Christ!
I’m almost two weeks out from my last round of chemo – so glad to have that behind me, and so glad your prayers made the burden much, much lighter!