Thurs., Nov. 4th Update from Joni

By |Published On: November 4, 2010|Categories: News|

Thursday, November 4th Update from Joni:

When Daddy would come to visit me when I was in the hospital years ago, he would clasp the guard rail of my bed, smile and say, “Joni, everyday you’re getting better and better and better.” Some would say he raised false hopes, considering I never regained use of my hands or legs, but I know what my father meant – every day that I leaned on Jesus, I did get better. Better where it counted most :-). I could say the same as I move forward into the next phase of treatment in my battle against cancer. It feels so good to be getting better, not only physically but where it counts down deep in my heart. And I have to say that’s largely due to the example of Ken and the incredible advocate and care giver he’s been – never have I been more proud of Jesus in my husband!
I say this because I’d love for you to hear what Ken had to say to Dr. Dobson on Family Talk this Friday. I’ve never heard him be quite so forthright regarding our journey together over the last 5 months. To find out when Family Talk airs in your area, just go to for all the local listings. And tell a friend to tune in, too – especially if they’re in a marriage with more than a few health challenges.
Finally, I continue to hear from readers who’ve been encouraged by my book A Place of Healing. Yesterday when I was autographing the title page for a friend, I wrote Acts 20:24 – it occurred to me that this verse sums up my approach to my quadriplegia and the rest for “I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me — the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.” God bless you for joining me (and the rest of us at Joni and Friends) in being quick to testify to what the grace of our wonderful Savior is doing in your life, too!