The Gift of a Van

By |Published On: April 14, 2014|Categories: News|

Lynn and Doug's VanDoug and Lynn Wheeler with Joni and Ken

For years, my quadriplegic friend, Lynn, and her husband Doug made great use of their handicap-equipped van. Over time, they needed a new van to accommodate more family members who could travel with Lynn. When Doug and Lynn told me they wanted to give their old van to a disabled person in need, I asked the closest Joni and Friends team for help. Within a few weeks, we connected with the parents of a 13-year-old girl with a disability in desperate need of “new wheels.” God bless you, Lynn and Doug – you have truly glorified our generous God! Friend, if you’d like to bless a new owner with your used accessible van, contact your nearest Joni and Friends office – surely there’s a disabled person in need who would benefit greatly from your generosity :-).