
By |Published On: March 7, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|

Amen BlocksKids’ Corner will be answering a lot of questions about prayer this month. And we’re going to start with the end! Why do we say “Amen” when we are done praying? One of Joni’s friends, who is five years old, wonders if saying Amen is the same thing as saying “We’re done!” It can sound kind of like that! Amen can mean “it is true,” or “so be it,” or “it is finished.” When we say Amen, we are saying that we trust God to take care of what we just prayed. We don’t have to worry about it or be afraid anymore because we’ve told God all about it! Do you have questions about prayer? Or would you like us to pray for you? Let us know! We love praying for our Kids’ Corner friends.