Joni's House Logo

Serving critical respite needs of families living with disability in the United States.

Joni's House Logo

A place where families living with disability find rest, hope, and community in the body of Christ.

Serving Respite Needs, Delivering Hope

Across the United States, families and caregivers live with the spiritual, emotional, and financial challenges of disability. But where disability intensifies respite needs, Joni’s House programs answer the call of Jesus in Luke 14.

Joni’s House programs showcase the tangible love of Jesus by providing respite care and day and afterschool programs for children and adults living with disability. Where families struggle with isolation and financial burden, Joni and Friends delivers practical care and hope.

A picture of John at half-time respite with his two Joni and Friends buddy volunteers on either side of him. He is smiling wide at the camera with his two thumbs up.

Joni and Friends broke ground on Joni’s House disability center in East St. Louis!

This Joni’s House facility will serve the community through day programs for adults and after-school programs for school-age children with disability.

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Providing Essential Care

Natacha hugging a woman at Warrior Getaway.



Answering the call in Luke 14, Joni’s House programs showcase the tangible love of Jesus so that souls will be transformed.
A child sitting on the ground, playing with a hula hoop.



As physical needs are met through respite, day programs, and after school programs, hearts are opened to the Gospel.



Breaking barriers of rejection and isolation, families find belonging and discover each person’s value as an image bearer of God.



Providing programming and respite care for children and adults with disability allows new economic opportunities for family caregivers.

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