Joni’s Perfect Birthday Gift

By |Published On: October 5, 2020|Categories: Inspiration|

I know it’s usually Joni who writes here on this blog, but today, it’s me. And I am inviting you to join me this month in celebrating my beautiful wife in a special way for her 71st birthday! Every year older is a big deal when you’re a quadriplegic.

God has brought Joni through so many challenges… even just this year! What with pressure sores, sheltering at home, and ongoing cancer treatment. We are celebrating extra because the Lord has helped her be cancer-free, again!

Also, I’m here to tell you that our shelter-at-home time is strengthening Joni’s resolve to use every minute for God’s glory. She amazes me. God keeps using her hardships for his good and to share the Good News of Christ with families struggling with disability all over the world.

This month, as Joni celebrates her 71st birthday, it’s another miracle milestone!

To be honest with you, the older she gets, the more passion she seems to have. She does not give up. She uses every minute. Joni loves ‘giving her all’ to the kingdom work of Joni and Friends.

Would you help her do this? This year she is inviting friends of the ministry to celebrate her birthday by donating to the work of Joni and Friends in honor of her birthday!

Each year God gives her is one more year to push back the darkness for families living with disabilities, another year to shine God’s light into forgotten rooms, more time to go out and compel people to come into the Father’s House just like Luke 14 tells us to do.

Would you add to the joy of Joni’s 71st birthday by donating towards the work of Joni and Friends? She’d also love for you to send her a personal message on her birthday fundraising. You are one of the “friends” of Joni and Friends, and a personal note from you will mean so much to her. (I’ve seen her go through scores of notes and say softly, “God bless this person!”) She loves hearing from those who support the ministry! I’ve seen it really spur her on!

Joni and I know that our time is limited on this side of eternity. Our passion and prayers are to see the ministry work of Joni and Friends continue long after we are gone.

There are so many people whose suffering weighs them down. I’ve seen them. I’ve met them. They need Jesus Christ.

We’re so thankful for the Christ-honoring commitment of people brought by God’s hand to share their time, talents, and treasure to bring the love of Jesus to children and adults with disabilities here at home and across the world!

And we’re thankful for you! So drop a quick greeting to Joni, won’t you? When Joni reads your note, I know she’ll be delighted and praise God for you. And if you want to mark this special birthday with a donation to Joni and Friends, I know she’ll joyfully put it right to work, maximizing every excellent program here at Joni and Friends. Thank you for making Joni’s 71st birthday unforgettable!

Living in light of eternity,

Ken Tada

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