Your Support Builds Strong Families at Family Retreat!
When a family living with disability arrives at Joni and Friends Family Retreat, your prayers and passion for ministry go before them, opening the door to a week of joy and restoration in Jesus Christ. You see, all year along, families with disabled children live on the edge of exhaustion—emotionally, spiritually, physically and financially. These families desperately need a place where they can let down their guard and breathe in God’s renewing presence. That’s exactly what happens year after year to the Libby family who’ve been coming to Retreat for the past 15 years!
“This is the only place our family has truly felt accepted,” Bart Libby shared with us.
When Bart and his wife, Nancy, first came to Family Retreat 15 years ago, they had no idea what to expect. Taking care of their son, Evan, who has intellectual and developmental disabilities, left them feeling at times overwhelmed, alone and desperate for a genuine, loving community.
Bart told us, “In everyday life, our family was the odd one out. We were looked at as ‘different’ and not accepted.”
Nancy shared, “Coming to Family Retreat validated and assured us as parents. We finally found a community of families who are going through the same thing and experience the same feelings. Our family has truly experienced a slice of heaven at Retreat and we’ve felt unconditional love from everyone.”
So many families like the Libbys have experienced God’s love and strength at Family Retreat—all because of your faithful prayers and support. Thank you!
“Your love has given me great joy and encouragement…”
Philemon 1:7
Join Us at Family Retreat
At Joni and Friends, we value each person as an image-bearer of God, worthy of dignity and respect! We create a rich, Christ-centered environment at each Family Retreat that is safe and accepting for every member of the family.