The Refreshing Love and Joy of Jesus Found at Family Retreat

By |Published On: April 24, 2023|Categories: Family Retreats|

Families living with disability desperately need a place where they can breathe in God’s renewing presence.

They need opportunities to connect with others experiencing the same struggles, and recharge from the stress and pressures they face on a daily basis. They need an encounter with Jesus, and that’s what they find at every Joni and Friends Family Retreat.

A picture of Alex sitting in a stroller with the two young woman who are his Joni and Friends buddies on either side of him.

Ten-year-old Alex’s family is the perfect example. Alex has autism. As his parents, Gerardo and Isabel explain, Alex’s disability creates challenges for the whole family.

“Alex’s condition takes all of our time and all of our energy. It’s like draining a battery. It’s overwhelming.”


“All the therapies haven’t helped him. He still cannot communicate with us. He’s not aware of what danger is, so someone has to be with Alex always.”


Climbing furniture, trying to get out of second floor windows, throwing things, and running away in the rain and freezing cold make Alex dangerous to himself and his siblings. Because he needs constant care, Alex’s parents almost never get a full night’s sleep, let alone quality time as a couple.

Thankfully Alex’s family got exactly what they needed at Family Retreat. 

A family photo of the Rojas family with Alex and their three other children, all smiling wide.

As Isabel said: “At home, I have no time for myself. I don’t remember the last time I could sleep through the night. I’d like to have more support with Alex, but we just don’t. I’d like people to understand our needs as a family.

We’re very grateful for all the love and care we get here. You can’t find this feeling of love and compassion anywhere else—only here. Having these volunteers with Alex gives me a mental, physical, and spiritual break.”

When you partner with Joni and Friends through prayer or financial support, you help provide scholarships to families navigating disability who need the refreshing love and joy of Jesus found at our Retreats & Getaways!

For Gerardo and Isabel, the chance to be together as a couple shines through as a Family Retreat highlight. And because of their time with the Joni and Friends community, Isabel’s perspective changed. 

The Rojas family at the beach sitting on the sand, all smiling at the camera.

As she put it: “Because we came to Family Retreat, now everything is different. We know there’s hope. At home we don’t even have time to hold hands. But here we have time to talk, just the two of us—as sweethearts. Hope is here.”

“Here at Family Retreat, we know that God is working. It’s an oasis in the middle of the desert,” added Gerardo

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