People with Down Syndrome Bear God’s Image

By |Published On: October 17, 2024|Categories: Family Retreats|
A family picture of Colton with his sister on the left, holding his shoulder, his father behind him, and his mother and brother on the right, all happily posing for the camera.

Honoring our Brothers and Sisters with Down Syndrome

Megan and I were enjoying the beauty of God’s creation at Family Retreat. Sitting in our lawn chairs and sipping on lemonade, we couldn’t help but notice fluffy clouds slowly blowing by—some in the shape of animals.

“Mothers of children with disabilities are beyond exhausted. They wait all year to have a moment with Jesus like this, away from the heartache and relentless demands of 24-hour caregiving,” I said. And Megan agreed.

The Relentlessness of Disability

All year long, families struggling with disability are bombarded with medical appointments, therapy sessions, behavioral challenges, school crises, and sleepless nights. Speaking from personal experience, the temptation to give up is real. But so is the promise of meeting with Jesus at Family Retreat.

A family picture of Colton, where everyone is wearing their favorite superhero t-shirts, standing together on the grass.

Looking out over the field that day, the trees and grass boasted their deepest greens, a blessing from that morning’s rain. God is most certainly an Artist. But his most delightful works of art weren’t found in nature. His workmanship was fully on display in the many children with disabilities playing kickball near us at Family Retreat. They all had Down syndrome.

My 19-year-old daughter Sarah, who has Down syndrome and a heart condition, and Megan’s 10-year-old son Colter, who also has Down syndrome, were all smiles and giggles as they enjoyed the freedom and fellowship found at Family Retreat. There were no feelings of rejection or isolation that are so often felt by our children or by us. As we watched our children play, and noticed just how many boys and girls had the same disability in common, it hit us. Each one of those children with Down syndrome represents parents who believe in the sanctity of human life.  

Megan recalls the day she discovered her son’s disability: 

“When I was pregnant with Colter, we could see through ultrasound that he would be born with Down syndrome and syndactyly. My fear was palpable. Laying on that ultrasound table, I honestly felt like the walls were caving in on me. And if the diagnosis wasn’t traumatic enough, my doctor coldly explained that I had only two options: adoption or abortion. I had to leave the room and get some air.

That was a dark season for my husband, Sevrin, and me. Colter was born prematurely and required surgery at just two days old to repair his intestines. We remained in the neonatal intensive care unit for the first three months of Colter’s life. His treatment included chemotherapy for a bone marrow disorder that can occur in newborns who have Down syndrome.

Doctors labeled our son as unwanted, unneeded, and unnecessary. But I had heard Joni say that God permits what he hates to accomplish what he loves. And that piece of truth helped me understand God’s sovereignty. He knows what is best for us. Joni’s message gave me a new perspective and buoyed me in my hardest days.”

“I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.” Isaiah 48:17

“I have to fight for others to see Colter as fearfully and wonderfully made. But here at Family Retreat, Colter—and our other children—are welcomed, included, and celebrated. Family Retreat embraces the giftings and abilities within disability. It’s the best week of our year!”


“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14

“At Family Retreat, everyone in our family is a star! Colter knows he is loved and free to be himself here at Family Retreat. And his brother, Deacon, genuinely enjoys serving as a volunteer,” says Megan, smiling ear to ear.

Colton sits on a carpet, wearing a Spiderman cap, a blue shirt, and a grey jacket, looking focused. In the background, other children are seated on the carpet, slightly blurred.

“And I love being in a place where everyone understands us!” says Anaya, Colter’s sister, who also serves at Family Retreat.

Megan continued sharing her heart with me as she watched Colter enjoy the afternoon out on the field with his volunteer and other friends.

“Our children are not honored here on earth… They will be in heaven, but until then, they are honored here at Family Retreat. Joni and Friends is so faithful to point to God’s goodness in the midst of disability. Joni’s message is needed, and it helps so many families.”

The Relentless Love of God

Indeed, this is why Joni and Friends exists. God created this ministry—birthed out of the tragedy of Joni’s own disability—as part of his astounding plan to reach multiple thousands of disabled people with his love. It happens through Family Retreat, Wheels for the World™, Joni’s House programs, respite events, and church training resources.

Honoring our Brothers and Sisters with Down Syndrome

In October we celebrate National Down Syndrome Awareness Month. It is a time to recognize people with Down syndrome—like Colter and my daughter, Sarah—as the image bearers of God that they are. And it’s time to celebrate the sanctity of all human life, regardless of disability or diagnosis.

A heartwarming moment of Shauna Amick hugging her daughter, Sarah.

“So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”

Genesis 1:27

All of us at Joni and Friends embrace the truth of Scripture, and I know you do, too. When you stand in the gap with us, you help families struggling with disability trust the Lord’s plans for their lives and strengthen their faith.

“I am different because of Joni and Friends. I trust God more.”


As I listened to Megan that day, tears welled up in my eyes because I realized the same is true for me. Jesus has used Joni and Friends to completely change my life.

Thank you for linking arms with us as we shine a spotlight on Christ, reminding families living with disabilities of God’s love for them. Together, we can be the hands and feet of Jesus, bringing biblical truth and eternal hope to those who desperately need the Lord. Because when the world rejects our brothers and sisters with disabilities, Joni and Friends is here to declare their beauty and worth.

Written By—Shauna Amick, M.Ed.
Director of Direct Response and Radio Channel Marketing
Joni and Friends

A woman and a child, both smiling joyfully, enjoying their time together at a Family Retreat.

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Will you partner with us in reaching out to those the world so often casts aside? Children and families living with disabilities shouldn’t have to wait all year long to feel valued and respected. Your gift, given today, will support all the programs and events we offer families every month—lightening their burdens and renewing their hope.