Matthew’s 200 Derby Cars

By |Published On: August 19, 2013|Categories: Family Retreats|

Matthew with Kids

We’d like you to meet Matthew – a very special sixteen-year-old who loves Jesus and loves serving others. This year, Matthew did something pretty amazing for Family Retreat. He made over 200 derby cars for the kids to race on “Race Day!” (Derby cars are miniature race cars made out of wood that you race down a track.) Matthew wanted to bring joy to all the kids at Family Retreat! Their faces lit up with excitement when they saw the derby cars. They couldn’t wait to play and race them down the track! Matthew is a great example of how we can use the special talents God has given us to share Jesus’ love with others. What are some ways you can use your God-given talents? Email us at [email protected] to tell us your ideas! 

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