Family Retreat at Home Provides Desperately Needed Community and Fellowship!

By |Published On: August 18, 2021|Categories: Family Retreats, Ministry|

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10

With her unique set of disabilities, Nicole is extremely high risk when it comes to COVID-19. Like many people with special needs, Nicole has experienced every bit of the extreme isolation and emotional strain associated with coronavirus. She and her family spend the vast majority of their time quarantined in their home in order to protect her medically fragile immune system.

So when our Joni and Friends Fresno California team was forced to temporarily turn our Family Retreat program into Family Retreat at Home, Nicole and her parents really weren’t terribly disappointed. Instead they were extremely grateful that everything was being done to ensure Nicole’s health and safety as well as the health and safety of everyone in attendance.

As our Family Retreat at Home week began, Nicole and her family were immediately impressed by the detail, breadth, and depth of their entire experience. Each day was kicked off with live worship, Bible stories, fun challenges, and small groups. In their family welcome bag were crafts and activities that tied back to each day’s lesson.

Nicole and her parents were given the opportunity to sign up for one-on-one Christian counseling sessions offered with the retreat pastor. And each night there was a live family event – like the talent show, where Nicole could show off her incredible piano playing! Following family nights, parents met together on their own Zoom calls to play games, enjoy each other’s fellowship, gain resources and insights from parent leaders, and pray for one another.

The very best part of each day for Nicole were the personal visits she received from all her Family Retreat at Home volunteer buddies!

They always had something new in store for Nicole, like doing chalk art on her sidewalk, bringing her daily notes of encouragement, and even conducting a concert on her front porch.

Nicole was overwhelmed with the joy that these visits brought her and told us that she absolutely treasured her buddies and her whole Family Retreat at Home experience.

Through Family Retreat at Home, Joni and Friends Fresno California was able to bring the love of Jesus right to Nicole’s door!

Family Retreat at Home gifted all of its participants, families and volunteers alike with something that COVID-19 had stolen – community and fellowship. Although we were all devastated at needing to cancel our in-person Family Retreat earlier this year due to county coronavirus restrictions, we knew we would still be able to share the Gospel in personal and powerful ways so that special needs families could embrace the hope and joy found only in Jesus. And for Nicole and her family, Family Retreat at Home provided opportunities for fellowship and relationships that they so desperately needed after 15 months of isolation.

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another.”

Hebrews 10:23-25

God moved mightily through home visits and computer screens to meet Nicole right where she was, delivering the connections she craved into her home and into her heart. What an incredible gift God gave Nicole and her family!

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