Unbearable Power

By |Published On: July 25, 2024|Categories: Daily Devotional|

“They got rid of the foreign gods among them and served the LORD. And he could bear Israel’s misery no longer.”

Judges 10:16

God’s omnipotence scares me at times. Whether looking at the stars or sitting through a California earthquake, I am struck by the immense power at his disposal. I feel very small. And because he is so big and so strong, it sometimes seems he could not possibly have feelings that even approach tenderness or empathy, feelings with which I could identify.

I can imagine God inspecting the Israelites’ fulfillment of the covenant to serve him, seeing the evil of their enemies, and then in almost mechanical fashion throwing a hailstorm or two in the direction of the offenders. Israelites rescued. Universe in order. Back to the throne. Next!

But then I read the verse in Judges that says, “And he could bear Israel’s misery no longer.” Those words violate my perception of an omnipotent God. At first glance such empathy would seem to be incongruent with his omnipotence. But it is precisely because he is omnipotent that he is able to empathize. His incredible storehouse of power enables him to sense, and empathize with, the circumstances of sinful and powerless people. In effect, the same power that enables God to throw a galaxy into a new quadrant of the universe is the power that brings him to his knees on our behalf.

I am embarrassed by God’s inability to bear my misery. Too often I treat his words and commands as did so many wayward Israelites. I cast a worthless word or a covetous eye with barely a thought to the cosmic impact on God’s heart. It’s more than embarrassing. It’s shameful. Do you feel the same?

But almighty God, you are not ashamed of me. You have clothed me in the robe of Christ’s righteousness, and I am protected by your power. Thank you.

Weak Woman, Strong God

Dr. Sutherland joins the podcast to share how God has sustained her through suffering and taught her to rely on his strength in her weakness.

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