Be Holy

By |Published On: December 19, 2024|Categories: Daily Devotional|

“It is written: ‘Be holy, because I am holy.’”

1 Peter 1:16

It was only our high school madrigal choir singing a Gregorian chant. But the beautiful, haunting discords and harmonies in the minor keys swelled my heart to the point of breaking. I had never been possessed by such glorious music before. The next week I cleared my throat, practiced my alto range, and signed up for madrigal choir. It’s one thing to stand at a distance and listen to such music, but the joy, for me, was complete only if I could share in the power and the beauty by participating in it.

When the Holy Spirit awakens the heart of a person to delight in the holiness of God, an urgent and aching desire is born not only to behold that holiness, as from a distance, but also to be as holy as God is holy. Our joy is incomplete if we can only stand outside beholding his beauty and are not allowed to share in it. Yet we are allowed. We are beckoned: “Be ye holy…”

When we hear beautiful music, we feel we must participate in it. In the same way, we don’t want to just see the grace of God from a distance; we want to share in the power of that grace. We want to feel him delivering us, helping us conquer temptation in our lives; we want to feel God’s grace coursing through us to save others. Why? Because once we begin to participate in his life, once we have something of God, we want more. The more we feel, the more we want to feel. The more we experience, the more we want to experience.

Today’s insight is intensely practical. The more you desire to feel, see, experience, and know God, the more you will be inclined to right living—pride conquered, temper subdued, selfishness skewered. Behold the holiness of God and you will be holy. (You might even enjoy a Gregorian chant.)

My joy is only complete if I can share in your holiness, Lord. And I can! Today I behold you in your awesome power.

Weak Woman, Strong God

Dr. Sutherland joins the podcast to share how God has sustained her through suffering and taught her to rely on his strength in her weakness.

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