A Quiet Time

By |Published On: July 23, 2024|Categories: Daily Devotional|

“When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

Matthew 6:6

Keeping accounts is tempting. We want to remember all the details of how we’ve been wronged. And we certainly don’t want to forgive. But that becomes tricky when we realize we ourselves need forgiveness from God. The Lord offers us solutions to both forgiving and being forgiven. But he asks that we go to a private place to confront the issues head-on: go into your room…close the door…pray in secret.

Get alone with God. Pray for the Lord to reveal to you any attitudes or actions that have displeased him. Write them down, regardless how long the list. Then write 1 John 1:9 across the top of the page: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

Tear up the list and throw it away. Thank God for forgiving your sins. Your reward: the truth and reality of forgiveness will set you free.

If you still feel unforgiven, consider the price God paid through Christ’s death. You might want to say, “On the basis of the cross, I accept God’s forgiveness, and I therefore forgive myself.” When memories nag, realize that the Enemy would rather keep you bound than free. Then ask yourself if there is anything you can’t forgive someone. List the institutions or the people who have hurt you, have made you angry, have denied your rights, or have not met your expectations. Be specific. “I forgive _________________________ for ________________________________________.” Choose not to hold them responsible for your well-being or happiness. Cancel the debt. Deal with anger by acknowledging it. Let God help to absorb the loss. Then consider what you might gain, and list your gains.

Father in heaven, help me to face the painful events in my life, to acknowledge the hurt, and to seek forgiveness from you. Thank you that you readily forgive and heal.

God’s Power in Weakness

Looking back on 55 years in a wheelchair, Joni reflects on the Lord’s faithfulness amid her adversity. She shares how trusting God through hardship has given her strength to not only persevere but live with hope and joy!