A New Thing

By |Published On: January 1, 2025|Categories: Daily Devotional|

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?  I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland… [for] the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.”

Isaiah 43:18-19, 21

Cymbals clashed.  Kettledrums boomed.  The orchestra swept into its closing crescendo, and the final chord was struck.  The audience rose to its feet and clamored, “Encore!”  The scene was the Los Angeles Pavilion; the occasion was a holiday symphony, and I, too, called for an encore.  The musicians came back on stage and launched into a final number. 

You don’t have to hold a season ticket for the best box seat at the symphony in order to appreciate encores.  You know all about them.  Remember that special weekend retreat  with your Christian friends?  The fellowship was fantastic, the speaker was super and, oh, how you wish the blessings could go on and on.  And now you want God to do an encore. 

God, however, may not give it.  But don’t take it hard.  For although it’s true the Lord will never do exactly the same thing a second time around, he will do something better.  A new thing.  A new way.  God specializes in things fresh and firsthand.  He is not satisfied with the updated and revised version—he’s always quick to create something new. 

His plans for you today may outshine those of the past.  His blueprint is hot-off-the-press and he’s prepared to fill your days with reasons to praise him.  That’s why you can begin the year with hope and expectancy.

Lord of beginnings, I’m ready to have you do something new in my life this year.  Thank you for leading me into the untouched days ahead.  I’m ready to follow. 

Headshot of Maria DeGenova smiling at the camera.

Finding God’s Plan for Your Life

Like many siblings in households navigating disability, Maria needed God’s help to understand her own identity, story, and calling. And she wants you to discover what she has: that God is close and trustworthy, and that he has a good plan for your life.

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