A Fearless Request

By |Published On: July 8, 2024|Categories: Daily Devotional|

“Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.”

Ephesians 6:19-20

The scene is a prison cell in Rome. Paul has been in chains for over two years. He’s tired, his shackles are heavy, and his leg irons bite into his ankles. As he sits in prison, he’s most likely thinking of the many missionary travels he’s yet to take, of the distant lands yet to hear the gospel. Perhaps he’s thinking of the fledgling churches in Philippi, Galatia, and Colossae that need his encouragement. He has one chance to write his friends in Ephesus. With all these needs on his mind, he picks up his pen, so to speak, and asks them to pray. 

Yet among all the pressing problems out in the field, among all his wants and wishes, what does Paul ask them to pray about? That his aches and pains might ease? That Caesar might grant him a pardon? That the charges against him might be dropped? That God might send—as he did for Peter—an angel to miraculously fling open the prison doors? No. In the last chapter, in the concluding sentences, Paul sums up his most important prayer request: that he might remember to share the gospel whenever he opens his mouth; that God might give him fresh words in witnessing; and that God might empower him to declare the gospel fearlessly. 

Today look at the needs in your life as opportunities to share the gospel. Ask the Spirit to prompt you whenever you open your mouth. Ask him to give you fresh words to suit the occasion. Most of all ask the Spirit to give you courage, to help you declare the gospel fearlessly (if an apostle needed courage to be bold in witnessing, you must need it, too!

Lord, so often my prayer requests involve relief and release from problems. Help me to “stay in my chains” today and follow Paul’s lead as I declare your gospel fearlessly. 

Weak Woman, Strong God

Dr. Sutherland joins the podcast to share how God has sustained her through suffering and taught her to rely on his strength in her weakness.

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