You Sent the Gospel… Mom and Daughter found New Life!
When you give the gift of a wheelchair, even a child like Yida will ask, “Why…? Why would you care about me…? Why would you give me such a gift…?” ...
When you give the gift of a wheelchair, even a child like Yida will ask, “Why…? Why would you care about me…? Why would you give me such a gift…?” ...
Nedic wasn’t looking for God when she showed up at our Wheels for the World distribution in Peru. The needs of her son, Patrick, compelled her to come. Nedic is ...
Brayan’s parents are poor farmers, living high in the Andes Mountains. “We earn so little money that we never even tried to look for a wheelchair for our son,” said ...
Last month was exciting as we opened a new Wheels for the World Restoration Center at the New Mexico Department of Corrections. With 14 Wheelchair Restoration Centers located within correctional ...
It is the last day of the month, and we have an important thing we want to ask you to do. Today Joni and Friends is sending a group of ...
Mirna is filled with smiles and the joy of the Lord. She has never had a wheelchair or been to school – but her mild cerebral palsy hasn’t taken away ...
Who do you see in this picture? People, of course. There’s a boy and his mom and lots of people behind them. But you know what? Not everyone sees that ...
Last year, through the power of your prayer and generosity, Caesar received his first wheelchair from Joni and Friends. “His life changed immediately!” said his mother Josephina. But Caesar continues ...
Wouldn’t you be surprised to find out that one of the families in your neighborhood had a kid your age but you never saw him? You would think you would ...
“In countries like mine [Romania], having a disabled child like Alexia brings despair because of prejudice and social poverty,” said Simona, who brought her daughter to a recent Wheels for ...