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26 Jun


By |2024-01-24T10:35:23-08:00June 26, 2024|Daily Devotional|

Do you recall, as a child, riding your rubber raft on the gentle waves of the ocean? I remember the warm sun and the rocking motion almost sending me off to sleep. In fact, I once did just that. When a giant swell woke me...

25 Jun

Wedding Afterthoughts

By |2024-01-24T10:26:34-08:00June 25, 2024|Daily Devotional|

You’ve seen it happen. Your sister falls head over heels in love with a guy who, you think, is a jerk. Your roommate throws common sense to the wind and makes a fool of herself for the new man at the office. Or maybe you have...

23 Jun

Divine Coincidences

By |2024-01-24T10:13:40-08:00June 23, 2024|Daily Devotional|

Are there such things as honest-to-goodness coincidences? Of course. Are they planned by God? Of course. Wait a minute. Can the two go together? Of course! Take today’s verse. Some of those window-shoppers...

22 Jun

The “Red Cross”

By |2024-01-24T10:04:59-08:00June 22, 2024|Daily Devotional|

In a book called The Great Boer War, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle tells of a small detachment of British troops who were surprised by an overwhelming enemy force. The British had to quickly retreat under heavy fire, with...

21 Jun

Carrying Burdens

By |2024-01-24T09:52:53-08:00June 21, 2024|Daily Devotional|

I don’t often have the chance to physically help other people, but when I do, I love it. Nowhere do I feel more useful than at the airport. I have to pack what seems like half a hospital when I go anywhere. Even after...

20 Jun

Commencement Exercises

By |2024-01-24T09:42:08-08:00June 20, 2024|Daily Devotional|

When I attended Westmont College’s commencement, the dean explained that “graduation” means a student is leaving something; he wanted to emphasize that Westmont’s ceremony was a “commencement” exercise. He underscored...

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