Funny how certain sounds make you feel so good, so warm inside. The crackling of a fire. The whistling of a tea kettle. Chimes tinkling in a breeze. The steady breathing of a sleeping infant.
Funny how certain sounds make you feel so good, so warm inside. The crackling of a fire. The whistling of a tea kettle. Chimes tinkling in a breeze. The steady breathing of a sleeping infant.
Art and Jen have ten children. They have five children still living at home who are all adopted from China and all live with disability...
As we reflect on the growth and impact that God has brought to Joni and Friends Mississippi this year, I want to tell a very special story that highlights...
Call it late winter storms or early spring rains. When the sky breaks open this time of year, it makes for plenty of wet and muddy earth...
With God’s faithfulness, a lot of prayer, and your generous support, Joni and Friends has enlarged our ministry to serve Central California...
On stage at Family Retreat, Emily is singing the final words of “I Am a Child of God.” The moment she finishes, the crowd bursts into applause and cheers...
In recognition for cultivating the hallmarks of a flourishing workplace culture, the international disability ministry Joni and Friends...
I wait on the Lord for many things. In the morning, I wait for someone to get me out of bed, and if that helper gets sick or moves out of state... When someone becomes a parent, you’re instantly a caregiver. But the 24/7 demands of caregiving decrease as our children grow up—except in the case of children with disabilities. When ...
“Life has grinding power. It hones, breaks, and humbles you.” When I heard someone say that… I agreed. Look, all my years in this wheelchair ...