No Small Sin
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and I remember a time when a gas station attendant forgot to put my gas cap back on my tank. When I returned for it, he showed...
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and I remember a time when a gas station attendant forgot to put my gas cap back on my tank. When I returned for it, he showed...
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. First Peter 2 says we are to praise God who has brought us out of darkness and into the light. That reminds me of when our...
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and so much can be communicated with just a look. Like there are times when my husband Ken gives me a certain look and oh, I...
I so appreciate the increased focus on mental health since COVID-19 shutdowns rocked our world. The uncertainty, isolation, the grief, the disruption of...
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and my father, the quintessential athlete, was a platform-diving champion. He taught me for years always to check the depth...
Joni and Friends is and has always been a ministry to the most vulnerable. We delight in bringing families living with disability closer to each other and...
No mother ever likes to see her child suffer—whether it’s being teased on the playground, breaking a leg or, in my case, breaking my neck. When it came to my ...
I’ve always known that our country and our world is in desperate need of prayer, but this last year has had me “on my knees” like none other...
Today as I write to you, the need is greater than ever. Children and adults with disabilities – those who are medically fragile and living in extreme poverty...
Friend, the times are short, and the needs are greater than ever. And that’s why I’m all about multiplying ministry. “Make the most of every opportunity...