Meet Mauricio

By |Published On: May 1, 2013|Categories: News|

Meet Mauricio – a bright 11-year-old boy from El Salvador. Mauricio was born with spina bifida, which makes daily activities very difficult. Mauricio was severely bullied at school for his disability – so much so that he eventually stopped attending. Mauricio’s father spoke with a local Christian school, who agreed to pay for Mauricio’s tuition and fees, but only if he had a wheelchair. A wheelchair was an impossible expense – they might as well ask for the moon!

But God had a plan for Mauricio and his father. At a Joni and Friends’ Wheels for the World distribution, Mauricio was fitted to his very own Regency Pediatric wheelchair, complete with a desk. Not only was he ready to go back to school, but Mauricio and his father also learned about the overwhelming love of Christ that answers all their needs.

Your gifts and prayers are bringing that love of Christ to thousands of people with disabilities all over the world. And from May 1st to July 15th, a Matching Gift Opportunity will double your contribution! Donate today and help us bring the joy of mobility and the message of Christ to more children like Mauricio!