Life Is A Gift

By |Published On: January 19, 2021|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|
Close up of a sapling with tiny flowers coming out of a tree with withering leaves on the branches.

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada with a good word if you’re depressed.

You ever feel as if you have spaghetti for a backbone? Ever feel pushed to the edge and you want to give up? Well, when depression so distorts your thinking, you feel as though life just isn’t worth living, right? Well, I confess, that’s me. Really. With this quadriplegia and my wheelchair, I have experienced those feelings and more. And when I feel like giving up, I remember good ol’ Elijah. Because even powerful prophets from old had noodles for knees. So, here’s the back story on Elijah and his deep depression. Okay, here it is. Queen Jezebel, okay, she had heard through the grapevine that Elijah had wiped out hundreds of her false prophets. So, she went after his neck. And Elijah ran for his life. When he reached the desert, this great man of God, this miracle worker who did mighty deeds, who had trusted the Lord in the toughest of times – yeah, that’s right – this Elijah, he gave up. He didn’t even have the courage to do himself in. Instead, there in a cave in the desert, he begged God to perform the mercy killing on him.

So maybe you see yourself in this picture. You could be terminally ill and in great pain. You could feel as though you are on your last legs. Or it could be something as feeling hunch-shouldered with a bad case of the Monday morning blues. No matter what your hard circumstances right now, all of us sometimes say, “God, this is it; I’ve had enough.” All of us, at one time or another, have wanted to throw in the towel. But each of us can draw comfort from the story of Elijah. Because yes, even a mighty prophet of God fell prey to dark feelings, and we’re just as vulnerable as Elijah. How did this great man of God surface out of his despair? Well, you should know that the Lord did not so much give answers to Elijah’s problems; no, God gave himself. The angel of the Lord ministered to the prophet – handing him food, giving him sleep. God even offered a listening, empathetic ear. The record shows in 1 Kings chapter 19 that the Angel of the Lord agreed that “the journey is too much for you.” Then God presented Elijah with new work to do. You know, sometimes switching focus onto others is just what the doctor would order.

And in just a few days, in fact, this Friday, we will mark Celebration of Life Day. And oh, friend, I may be paralyzed and in pain, and you may be downcast with your own pile of problems, but life is a gift. Every breath is a mercy from the Lord. Every day, according to the Bible, has a purpose. Your life is worth living. And for encouragement, I want you to go to today and pick up your free gift, a booklet called “From Fear to Hope.” It contains a heartwarming story about how precious life is. So, I’ll see you today at, okay? And let me share a final word to strengthen you. As surely as the Angel of the Lord gave the prophet Elijah a sip of cool water and told him to take a break to rest, the Lord also longs to touch your life through the people he places around you. Because people are the hands and heart of God to you. And if there are no people, then God promises to personally come through for you, giving you strength out of nowhere. In the meantime, do what Elijah did. Carve out time for rest. Watch your nutrition. Spend time in the Bible. Seek out fellowship. And be sure to look for ways to help others. It’s the best remedy when you feel down; find someone else who’s hurting worse than you are. Because that is a prescription that will definitely brighten your spirits.

© Joni and Friends
From Fear To Hope Cover

From Fear to Hope

After learning through ultrasound that her daughter, Sarah, would be born with Down syndrome and a potentially fatal heart defect, Shauna Amick cried out to God in desperation. In this little booklet, Shauna shares about how God met her in her desperation and miraculously granted her a new perspective. As you read her story, you will be inspired to move from fear to hope in whatever difficult circumstances you may be facing.