The Affliction Connection

By |Published On: July 24, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

God permitted what he hated – the cruelty of the cross – to accomplish something he loved – salvation for a world of sinners. Hi, I’m Joni, and in the same way, God permitted what he hated – my spinal cord injury – to accomplish something he loved – Christ in me, the hope of glory! When I saw this amazing connection between Christ’s afflictions and mine, my story of suffering no longer felt isolated or small or shriveled. I was now connected to a much larger story – a cosmic story, that of Jesus Christ. And that insight alone laid the foundation for me to then grow leaps and bounds, all because my suffering was now “located” in my Savior. I had the power to take up my cross daily and die to the sins – that is fear and bitterness – that Jesus died for on his cross. And, oh, did it bond me to the Lord as never before! Thank God for the wonderful sacrifice of his Son!

© Joni and Friends

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