Rehabilitate To Dependence

By |Published On: January 25, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and there’s a lot I cannot do as a quadriplegic. And that’s why I’m thankful for my physical therapists who trained me to be as independent as possible back then. They worked me hard so I could learn to feed myself and draw holding pencils between my teeth. The things I can do as a quadriplegic, I do ʼem with a go-get-em attitude. Now, that may be admirable when you are new to a wheelchair and learning to do stuff for yourself because it’s important to be independent in that respect. But the Bible tells us not to be independent from God. Because living apart from God’s power, creates this false illusion that “I’ve got this, Lord; I know how to live the Christian life; I can handle things from here, but I’ll check in with You if I need You.” Look, do not believe that lie! Rehabilitate your thinking and be dependent on God. Because without Him, you can’t do a thing!

© Joni and Friends

A Thankful Heart in a World of Hurt

Joni helps you cultivate a grateful heart by looking at the wisdom of Scripture. This addresses questions like: How can I really give thanks for all things? How can I cultivate a grateful spirit? How is it possible to “Rejoice in the Lord always”?

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