Your Best Unfolds When You’re Loved and Celebrated.

By |Published On: September 14, 2024|Categories: Family Retreats|
Trevor energetically performing on stage at the Family Retreat.

If you caught a glimpse of Trevor, who lives with Down syndrome, at a Joni and Friends Family Retreat, you would see it right away: within the Joni and Friends community, Trevor is seen, celebrated… and loved.  

“Trevor is energized by Family Retreat. He loves being loved!” says Trevor’s mom, Jessica. 

Isn’t that true for every one of us, whether we live with a disability or not?

You, Trevor, and all human beings are made in God’s image… fearfully, wonderfully, and miraculously crafted—designed to love and be loved. 

When Trevor Takes the Stage 

Picture it for a moment… the noisy crowd falls hushed as Trevor takes the stage at the Family Retreat talent show. He’s been rehearsing all week, and it’s finally time. He draws a breath and launches into action. A damsel in distress needs rescuing and Trevor, in the role of the hero, defeats the bad guys. Trevor’s joy overflows as the applause roars. 

If only life was always like this. Of course, it’s not. As Jessica says: 

“Trevor knows he’s not always included outside of Family Retreat. His world is getting smaller and smaller, and he’s become withdrawn into himself. But at Family Retreat, Trevor shares his enthusiasm and joy with others.” 

Family Retreat offers a taste of how things should be. It’s why some people call it a “slice of heaven.” And God intends for such experiences of belonging in his body to last and spread to those who have yet to hear the Good News of Jesus, so they can settle into the family of God with a sense of warm belonging. 

Family Retreat Meets the Deepest of Needs 

It’s not just Trevor who comes alive at Family Retreat. His parents, Phil and Jessica, and his siblings, Oliver (18), Linnea (15), and Lily (10), all bask in the joy of the Family Retreat experience alongside Trevor. And they want to invite others into the same life-giving encounters that have changed their lives. 

A photo of Trevor and his family sitting together in front of a "Joni and Friends 2024 Family Retreat" banner, smiling and posing for the camera.

That’s why Trevor’s parents and siblings have become Joni and Friends volunteers! And by giving back and serving others, they have discovered even deeper blessing! As Jessica says: 

“The impact of their serving has been phenomenal…Send your children to Family Retreat to serve as a buddy. Their lives will be transformed, and they will come back again and again. Volunteers love Family Retreat!” 

Ready to make a difference? 

A woman and a child, both smiling joyfully, enjoying their time together at a Family Retreat.

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