Stop And Smell The Roses

By |Published On: August 11, 2020|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|
Close up of a rose bush.

During COVID19I found the strangest cure for worry. 

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and like you, I battled worry and yeah, anxiety when that whole coronavirus thing came upon usIt was hard to get hoses for my breathing machine; I could not get to the clinic for my anti-cancer shots and had to postpone follow-up appointments; I cut down on caregivers, which put an extra burden on my husbandNow, I don’t want to go through a litany of things here; but you need to know that, yeah, I struggled with a little anxiety. But I will tell you what helped the most 

Every day Ken and I found time to sit in front of the sliding glass door facing our backyard patio and we enjoyed the flowers; we made friends with birds and two squirrelsIn fact, the birds and the squirrels got into the routine of, every afternoon, coming and sniffing around the patio door for, I don’t know, breadcrumbs, cracked nuts; we put out peanutsWe got to know two blue jays and their babyAnd two beautiful hooded orioles with their colorful side feathers. Then there were juncos, doves, and a few towheesMy husband got into this so much, he went out and bought a big bag of dried mealwormsI was not excited about that. Mealworm dust on the floor – oh! But, hey, it sure made the birds happy. And the squirrels made us laughThey loved the peanuts so much, they kept trying to stuff as many as they could in their mouths. Greedy little guys! 

Nowjust a couple of weeks into this routine and I noticed I was so much more relaxed, far less anxious, and happily entertainedWorry did not seem to encroach on my thoughtsAnd then I discovered why. Because listen to this; listen to what Jesus says in Matthew chapter 5 starting with the 25th verse; it’s astoundingHe says, “I tell you the truth, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wearIs not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? [Now get this…] Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds themAre you not much more valuable than they? And consider the lilies of the field and the way God clothes them. 

So, right there, from Jesus’ mouth, you’ve got an antidote against worryThe cure for anxietyAnd what does your Great Physician prescribe for you who worries and is anxious? Well, here’s what you do: you consider the birds of the airYou think about the lilies of the fieldIn other words, Jesus is telling you to take time to enjoy the squirrelsthe mourning doves, the blue jays, the juncos, the towheesthe flowers; pick a few; inhale their fragranceBecause all this is not a way to spend idle time – you know, the stuff you do in between thingsEnjoying birds and flowers is a habit to cultivate against stress, anxiety, unease, worry, and the burdens of your dayIn Matthew chapter 5, Jesus tells us not to worry several timesAnd then he says what to do instead: stop and smell the rosesBecause according to Jesus, that’s not an optionA cure for anxiety is to consider the lilies of the field and the birds of the air. 

Friend, if youre battling nervous thoughts, especially as we head into the fall season, if these thoughts keep messing with your mind – find a park, go to your backyard; take a walk in the neighborhood; enjoy the birds and flowersTheyre your antidote; Jesus says so. And let us pray for you at Joni and Friends; because we sure do love sharing hope through every one of your hardships at 

© Joni and Friends 

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