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15 Jun

The Prom

By |2024-01-23T12:09:13-08:00June 15, 2024|Daily Devotional|

June means romance and roses. It also means the prom. My husband, Ken, who taught high school, had always donned his tuxedo this time of year—he and I would chaperone the seniors at their prom. The early hours...

14 Jun


By |2024-01-23T12:02:23-08:00June 14, 2024|Daily Devotional|

These are words of a God in love. God thinks my soul is beautiful when I praise him! It makes me want to praise him in word and with singing all the more. “Rejoice in the LORD, O you righteous! For praise...

13 Jun

Waiting on the Groom

By |2024-01-23T11:51:20-08:00June 13, 2024|Daily Devotional|

When all the preparations for the consummation of the marriage contract were completed, it was customary for the Jewish bridegroom to go for his bride at night. He would march toward her village with his friends, in...

12 Jun

The Betrothal

By |2024-01-23T11:43:17-08:00June 12, 2024|Daily Devotional|

In the old Jewish tradition, this is how a bride and groom became engaged: The young man traveled to the home of his loved one to ask for her hand in marriage. A dowry was agreed upon. It was the price paid by the groom to secure...

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