Number of my Days

By |Published On: February 11, 2021|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|
Close up of a group of daisies.

Hi, I’m Joni, and these days I’m singing lots of praise songs.

And, you know, I guess it’s because with my long tenure in this wheelchair, I’m sensing I’m nearer to heaven than ever before. I see myself wheeling along the Jordan River, getting ready at any moment to rise up out of my wheelchair and cross that great divide, step onto the fragrant fields of heaven. Though paralyzed, I am nearer to my glorified body than I am to those far away days I was on my feet. Romans 13 puts it this way, it says: “The day when we will be saved is nearer now than when we first put our faith in the Lord.” And so, I’m counting the number of my days, making certain to invest my time in things that are gonna last for eternity. I’m investing my days in people that I love, that I pray for, that I long to be with in heaven. And I don’t know how much longer God will keep me on earth, but I am making the most, the best of my time here, and I sing about it in this special song with my good friend Tommy Walker:


I am counting the number of my days

That I may gain a heart of wisdom

And follow in God’s ways.

It won’t be long;

I will be home.

I’ll see him face to face.

So I’m counting the number of my days.


Won’t be long I’ll be forgotten by this world.

But I will never be forgotten in the world that’s yet to come.

’Cause I will see the one who knew me

Before I was known.


So I’m counting the number of my days.

Lord, help me see the world that’s yet awaiting me.

Help me release all these temporary things,

So I can find your peace

And give away your love.

(Joni) And I’ll be counting.

(Tommy) Oh, Lord, I’m counting

(Both) Oh, my Lord, I’m counting the number of my days.

(Tommy) It won’t be long, I will be gone.

(Both) So I’m counting the number of my days.

Oh, friend, if you enjoyed this beautiful song about numbering my days, I invite you to go to and learn all about my brand-new album called “Joni: Never Alone.” It includes this lovely song and so many others that I’ve never released before. So I encourage you to visit and learn all about it. Because I sure do love singing my way through every little bit of suffering.

© Joni and Friends
Cover of Joni's CD Never Alone

Never Alone

In Joni’s brand new 12-track CD, Never Alone, you will find an array of Joni’s favorite songs to sing to the Savior! From some of her favorite hymns to original never before released singles, you will be reminded of the ever present comfort of Jesus.