Break Forth In Song

By |Published On: August 18, 2020|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|
A scene from above a large valley filled with grass and forests, the mountains surrounding it peaked with snow and pink sun kissed clouds above.

There are times when my soul is so dry, and my life feels barren. 

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and it happened to me back in June when we were coming up and out of coronavirusIt was when people, for the most part, stopped sheltering in place and were starting to get outThings were opening up; a few restaurants, and then stores; people were heading to state parks and the beachBut because of my disability and my fragile lungs, I still had to shelter in placeI had to stay indoorsAnd maybe, maybe that added to it; the draggy “same old, same old;” the routine of having to, once again, stay homeI remember one morning a caregiver telling me about her first outing with her friends, going for a hike, taking a picnicNow, that was nothing new; people have described their adventures to me beforeBut instead of being excited for her, I felt deflatedFor a little while there, it felt as though my life did not go past the sliding glass door to our backyard. 

Maybe I’m describing you, and it may have nothing to do with COVID19 or phase 4 or phase 5There are times when you, too, feel as though your life doesn’t go past your front sidewalkYou feel dry; you feel barrenBut if you’re like me, you don’t want to stay that wayYou don’t want to live with those sullen feelings’Cause you’re a child of GodAnd you know you should not feel this way and you’re looking for refreshmentYoure wanting God to revive you and brighten your spiritsWell, this is exactly why Isaiah chapter 54 is a favorite for people like you and me, especially when you want to move forwardAnd I love the very first verse of Isaiah 54; it says, “Sing, O barren woman…break forth and cry aloud!” Now, this verse is applicable not because I am physically barren – you know, I’ve never borne children; no, it’s special because it’s a remedy for all of us who feel barrenWe are all like that woman in Isaiah 54We all have times when our prayers feel lifeless, our love feels cold, our faith seems weak, and we see no fruit in our livesWhen we’re in such a condition, what should we do? Break forth in songcry aloud to GodTwo things there: burst out in song and cry aloud. 

And if you’re looking for something to sing about, choose JesusThere may not be much to sing about as you look at your own life, but you could easily sing about your SaviorAnd it’s why all throughout June and July I was singing “Guide Me O Thou Great Jehovah.” And I was singing A Mighty Fortress is Our God.”  And if you had been in our house, you would’ve noticed – I wasn’t singing softly; I was loud, and in my heart, I was crying out“Jesus, please refresh me; renew my spirit; Holy Spirit, restore my soul; Father God, help me!” 

So, friend, do not settle for feeling dry and barrenYou and I were made for more than thatGod tells us in Jeremiah chapter 29, “Call upon me.” Just don’t ask. Call. Cry out. “And I will listen to you,” he says. Search for me with all your heart [and] I will be found by you, says the Lord.” Break forth in song and cry aloud(singing) I sing because I’m happy; I sing because I’m free. 

Because in Jesus Christ, you’re right; you are free. And you’re gonna find life for your prayers, energy to love, power to believe, and confidence to move forward with joy and contentmentThank you for letting me share Christ’s hope in every one of your hardships today. 

And one more thing – we at Joni and Friends would love to pray for you and your troubles. So, share with us your prayer need today at  

© Joni and Friends 

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