An Abundance Of Joy

By |Published On: August 14, 2020|Categories: 4-Minute Radio Program|
The view of a meadow of yellow flowers  surrounding a middle section of bright green grass, a single small tree in the middle of it all.

I want to say a big thank you to my friend Tracey Motoda.

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and when the pandemic became overwhelming there was a shortage of medical supplies – remember that? – Tracey really came through for meBecause as you know, people with disabilities, especially with lung problems, we were really at high riskAnd both Tracey and I use breathing machines at night to help our bodies get the oxygen they requireNowI ran out of tubing because again, earlier this year, there was a severe shortageAnd when Tracey – who has spinal muscular atrophy – learned this, she just was so happy to give me three sets of her own tubingI mean, this was like preciousThis was from her personal supplyI said to her, “Tracey, you’re taking a risk. Because you might need it down the line. Like nowLike with the flu season coming up this fall. 

Well, that may be, but Tracey is a woman of Proverbs chapter 3 where it says to do good when it is in your power to do itIt’s the way she’s lived with spinal muscular atrophy all her lifeTracey’s wheelchair doesn’t slow her down; her inability to walk is not a big deal to herShe’s always looking out for othersAnd this is what she wrote me when she gave me that tubingShe said, “Joni, irrespective of which kind of day Im having, I want to share an abundance of joy with everyone I meet, and the ways Ive found to do that are exactly as Romans 12says, Be joyful in hope, [be] patient in affliction, and faithful in prayer. I make it my aim,” she said, to be patient with my limitations and faithful in asking God for an extra measure of grace in the face of challenges.”  

Well, you know what? You just gotta hear the joy in her voiceSo here’s Tracey speaking for herself: 

God has been so faithful to me in my four decades of living with spinal muscular atrophy. It has not been easy. But you know what? I wouldn’t trade it for a thing. I have gotten to experience God’s hand at work in my life as he’s comforted me during some really difficult seasons, and through the love that my friends and family have poured into me. Along with Romans 12:12, Psalm 94:19 truly resonates with me: “When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul.” And yes, living with a progressive disease can certainly cause anxieties to bubble up. But when I keep my mind focused on the Lord and the goodness he has demonstrated throughout my life, I can’t help but experience immense joy and a deep thankfulness. Especially as he’s brought me here to Joni and Friends, where I get to share his hope and comfort with others who are facing real hardships.  

Oh, thank you, Tracey, for the joy in your voice. And, friend, I would love it if you would pray for her and for so many like her with SMAAugust is National Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month, but how ironic that Traceyand many like herare still having to remain sequestered due to coronavirusSo, ask God to keep my friend – and many like her – moving forward and perseveringLike Tracesays, be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, and faithful in prayerSo, visit my Facebook page to learn more about Tracey and her spinal muscular atrophyAnd also, a couple of photos I’ve posted at Because we love sharing hope through every single one of your hardships. 

And one more thing – we at Joni and Friends would love to pray for you and your troubles. So, share with us your prayer need today at God bless you today, and thanks for listening to “Joni and Friends! 

© Joni and Friends 

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