Ruthless Perfection

By |Published On: January 27, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

There’s a phrase from an old poem that often comes to mind whenever I feel weak or in pain, and like I can’t go on. Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and I read the poem when I was back in the hospital after my accident. It says, “God ruthlessly perfects whom he royally elects.” Oh, friend, if you find yourself in that camp, take heart; ʼcause look at Jacob in the Bible – God ruthlessly perfected him. He was a habitual liar, a conniver. But God wanted to use Jacob. And so God wrestled with him. The result? A painful, dislocated hip that would stay with Jacob for the rest of his life, reminding him that every time he did limp, yep, God ruthlessly was perfecting him whom He royally elected. Boy, did that encourage me! So, do you have a physical weakness? Well, like Jacob, let it be your constant physical reminder of your need and dependence on God. And your days of wrestling against the Lord will be over.

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