My Bent Spoon

By |Published On: July 3, 2019|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|
Close up of a spoon on a dark table with five blueberries in it.

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and recently during lunch at a friend’s house, I realized I forgot my special spoon — the one I use to feed myself. I asked my friend if she would mind bending one of her spoons, then placing it in my arm splint so I could handle the food on my plate. After lunch, I was a little embarrassed that she had to bend one of her nice pieces of flatware, but she said, “Joni, I want to keep this spoon just the way it is. Because you can only use a spoon that’s been bent to meet your needs, and it will be a reminder to me that a twisted tool in God’s hand can better accomplish a task.” And just like that bent spoon, God uses us best when we are molded and shaped for His special intention. We might think less of ourselves because we are not like all the rest, but in the hand of God, we find that we fulfill his unique and perfect purpose. You are God’s chosen vessel — shaped perfectly for His use.

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