God’s Grace Sustains You
Do you think that God’s sovereignty is only relevant when monumental things are at stake? Well, hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada and we easily accept that God foreordains big things, but how little things? Things like sow bugs in the shower?. Oh, but listen to Leviticus 14 for God tells His people, “When you enter the land … and I put a spreading mildew in a house in that land, the owner of the house must go and tell the priest.“ Did you hear that? God is the one who puts mildew wherever He wants — no matter how small, nothing happens outside of God’s decree. Nothing good or bad, no matter how great or tiny. We may not fathom God’s reasons or agree with His thinking, but Proverbs 16 says that God “works out everything for His own ends…” So, think of little nuisances in your life today and thank God for His sovereign control and His grace that sustains you.
Finding God in Hidden Places
Joni invites you to join her as she explores the presence of a holy God in hidden places. Stories from her own life shine in this collection of gathered memories.
Readers will recall quiet, out-of-the-way moments in their own lives when God was present—both in happy and sad times. Words of encouragement, comfort, and insight leave the soul satisfied and longing to be closer to a loving Father, who often shows up when least expected.