Confess Your Transgressions

By |Published On: September 3, 2020|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program|

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and don’t be surprised when you catch me confessing sin – and I mean lots of sin. No, I’m not attempting to get “holiness points,” and it’s not a case of being too hard on myself. I know when I sin; I know when I’m vying for attention or shading the truth or hiding the factsI especially know it when I’m ignoring God’s direction. Like it says in Psalm 19, “O God, deliver me from my willful sins.” Friend, it is good when you know your transgressions; when you know the sin of which you are capable, the sin that borders on becoming a habit. That’s the stuff that God is heaven-bent on digging out of your life and out of my life. Sensitivity to one’s sin is not a curse; it’s a blessing. So, don’t sweep your sins under the rug, thinking, “Man, it’s no big deal.” Uh-uh. Confess them; name them. And then? Accept the gracious forgiveness of God. 

© Joni and Friends 

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