Child of Light
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and after I landed in a wheelchair, I just didn’t know who I was. You understand; we’ve all had times when we’ve wondered about our identities. Well I once heard someone say, “You are the choices you make and the friends you keep. That is how people will know you. And…how you will come to know yourself.” Wow, what good words. And Ephesians chapter 5 follows up on that when it says, “Therefore, do not be partners with [those who are disobedient]. For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.” Friend, a Christian’s place as a child of light sets the stage for our identity. We are people who make famous the name of Jesus, who reflect His qualities through the day-to-day choices and the company we keep. So, if you’re asking that question, “Who am I?”, the answer is simply, “Get to know Jesus and you’ll get to know your true identity.”
Finding God in Hidden Places
Joni invites you to join her as she explores the presence of a holy God in hidden places. Stories from her own life shine in this collection of gathered memories.
Readers will recall quiet, out-of-the-way moments in their own lives when God was present—both in happy and sad times. Words of encouragement, comfort, and insight leave the soul satisfied and longing to be closer to a loving Father, who often shows up when least expected.