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14 Jul

Knowing the Ending

By |2024-01-25T10:35:14-08:00July 14, 2024|Daily Devotional|

My friend Judy and I love to spend time in bookstores. I head for the history section, then move to the children’s section. From there I might glance at cookbooks. But no matter where I wheel in the store, I always...

13 Jul

Enter That Rest

By |2024-01-25T10:27:52-08:00July 13, 2024|Daily Devotional|

Back on the farm, the lazy days of July meant turning our horses out to summertime pasture. The grass was lush and ready for grazing. However, before we opened the gates, it was the responsibility of my sisters and me...

12 Jul

The Little Things

By |2024-01-25T10:13:03-08:00July 12, 2024|Daily Devotional|

Our backyard is not big. This means the two bougainvillea bushes, the hibiscus, the hedge along the fence, and the silk oak tree in the corner are God’s special gifts. But our one tree is in trouble. It’s beginning to look dry and brown...

11 Jul

Think About Him

By |2024-01-25T09:52:11-08:00July 11, 2024|Daily Devotional|

As a youngster, I fostered the idea that God was on an ego trip, always telling people how wonderful he was. I got the impression that God just had to be worshiped. That somehow he needed a big crowd of people adoring him...

10 Jul

Love Lifted Me

By |2024-01-24T13:06:57-08:00July 10, 2024|Daily Devotional|

I enjoy singing hymns. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t stop whatever I’m doing, open a hymnal with a friend, and sing a few stanzas. But hey, I don’t have to stop what I’m doing. Sometimes I keep doing what I’m...

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