Joni and Friends has been fitting wheelchairs for people with disabilities in China for more than ten years. The best part about this? We’ve been able to see growth!
For instance, one year, Joni and Friends gave a wheelchair to a twelve year old girl named Qiaoling. But you already know we don’t only give wheelchairs. We also gave Qiaoling a Bible. Eight years later we were back in her town to give her a new wheelchair because she had outgrown the other one. But that’s not the kind of growth we want to talk to you about. In those eight years Qiaoling had started a Bible study and not only was she growing in her relationship with God, but she was teaching others about God, too!
We’ve also seen a lot of churches and Chinese Christians grow in their desire to minister to people with disabilities. As our Wheels for the World team is in China again right now, would you pray that more growth like this would happen?
Thank you… or as our friends in China would tell you xièxiè! (Say: Sheh-Sheh)