You Send So Much More Than a Wheelchair
When you send a Bible and a wheelchair overseas to a child with a disability, the spiritual impact is life-changing for every member of the family! Recently, Obed brought his little son Johnson to receive a wheelchair from Wheels for the World. “I need God’s help to be the right kind of father to my family,” he shared with our team members. “My culture says my son is worthless. I need a new kind of wisdom. The Bible that you gave was opened to 2 Corinthians 5:17: ‘Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!’” Obed received the word of God hungrily and a Gospel bracelet helped to make the steps to salvation clear. With tiny Johnson looking on from his new wheelchair, Obed eagerly prayed to receive Christ and the wisdom and strength he needs to lead his family. As soon as he said a joyful “Amen!” he asked our team to write down the colors of the Gospel bracelet and their meaning so he could share the plan of salvation with the rest of his family and lead them all to Christ! Your gifts and prayer made it possible for one boy’s disability, one Bible, one wheelchair and one Gospel bracelet to bring a whole family to Christ! “This is God’s plan for my son,” said Obed. “His purpose was to lead us all to Jesus!”