Good News for Erick

By |Published On: January 23, 2013|Categories: Wheels For The World|

Erick receiving a wheelchair at a Wheels for the World OutreachErick is six years old and has never been to school. He loves being outside and looking at the birds and trees, but instead he spends most of his time in bed! The only times he gets to go outside is when his dad carries him outside. That can be hard for a boy like Erick, right? Erick was born with a disability and people thought it meant he wouldn’t ever walk. His family brought him to a Wheels for the World outreach. While he was there, a person who knows a lot about Erick’s type of disability thought Erick might be able to walk. He helped stretch Erick’s muscles and showed Erick’s dad that if they kept working on it, one day Erick would be able to walk! Isn’t that great news for a boy who loves to be outside? Erick and his dad also were excited about other news they heard that day. Can you guess what the other news was? If you guessed “The Good News”, you’re right! They heard the Good News of Jesus coming to save them from their sins.

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