Goa in Thailand

By |Published On: June 20, 2012|Categories: Wheels For The World|

Goa smiling in his wheelchairMeet Goa. He is six years old and lives in Thailand. When he was born, his parents were so upset by his disabilities that they decided they didn’t want him. But that is when Goa’s grandparents stepped in! Even though they are older, every day they carry Goa with them to the fields where they work. Goa can’t hold his head up because of hydrocephalus (say “hi-dro- se-fuh-lus”). That means that there is too much fluid that builds up in his head. But even though his muscles aren’t strong enough to hold up his head, he loves to laugh and smile. His grandparents love that about him! When Joni and Friends visited Thailand earlier this year, we were able to give Goa a wheelchair that helps support his head. His grandparents were so happy! Their muscles were getting worn out carrying Goa, but now they can push him in his wheelchair wherever they go!

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